Highly absorbent soft straw pellet horse bedding
For mucking-out, made easy!
Sun-e-bed is a highly absorbent, sustainable horse bedding that saves time mucking-out, without compromising bed quality or comfort.

Highly Absorbent Pellets
Sun-e-bed pellets are our most absorbent horse bedding. They rapidly soak-up urine, eliminate odour, and are highly economical – even for wet and messy horses!

Easy to use
Sun-e-bed pellets don’t need watering. The soft texture breaks-down and fluffs up while in use. Droppings are easily separated and wet patches clump together for easy removal, with minimal waste.

High Quality, Made Locally
Only the best British straw, grown on local farms, is selected for Sun-e-bed pellets, which keeps our our quality high and our transport miles low.

100% British Straw
Made from locally-grown British straw, the by-product of crop harvesting.

Saves Time
Quick and easy to muck-out, saves time and reduces muck-heap size

Value For Money
Minimises waste – Very little bedding needs to be removed each day.

Highly Sustainable
Naturally sustainable. Composts quickly into a nutritious plant fertiliser.
Sun-e-bed bedding
Available in convenient recyclable plastic bags.

“It’s so quick to muck-out – I’ve saved so much time and money!”
What our customers think of Sun-e-bed straw pellet bedding
Kath Jones
“I really do rate this bedding, espescially if you are short of storage space, needing a small muck heap which rots down quickly. The pellets break down in the stable drying up ‘wet’ wee patches and also provides a lovely soft bed. A fantastic bedding for yards, large and small.”
Lucia Perillo
“I’ve been using your Sun-e-bed pellets for a little while now on my new livery yard that was previously a 3 wheelbarrow mucking out job. He is disgusting! Now I get half a small wheelbarrow. So time saving and not dusty. I put in 6 bags and it made a lovely deep bed after a couple of days. So thank you!”
Lynsey Richardson, Equestrian Coaching
“Sun-e-bed is so much quicker, easier and cheaper in the long run, it doesn’t get dusty or make you smell! I like to occasionally add bags of Sundown Yellow on top just to keep it nice and fluffy (and it smells great) they work perfectly together!”
Meg Murray
“Cybil always suffered from a really bad stable cough on straw and she has not coughed once since changing over to Sun-e-bed. Her bed alone took me around 45 minutes to muck out on straw, it now takes 10 minutes! To get that down by 35 minutes is absolutely amazing! I am also only using one bag a week to top my bed up which I was so surprised at.”
Frequently Asked Questions about Sun-e-bed
Sun-e-bed can be used as the only bedding for your horse, or used in conjunction with other bedding products such as Sundown Green or Sundown Yellow.
To start a new bed with Sun-e-bed straw pellet bedding, you will need between six and eight bags, depending on the size of your stable and how deep you like the bed to be. Simply open the bags and spread evenly over the floor.
Unlike some straw and wood pellets, you don’t need to water Sun-e-bed straw pellets. Simply spread the new pellets out and they will break down gradually within the bed to create a fluffy bedding material. To keep the bed clean, regularly remove droppings and wet patches.
Sun-e-bed is highly absorbent and you won’t need to remove much bedding each day. The droppings will remain on top, and any wet patches will form clumps that are easy to find and remove.
Top up the bed as required, to keep a good depth. Depending on how much material you take out each time you muck-out, expect to use one or two bags a week.
Sun-e-bed is great for even really messy or wet horses, who would otherwise require a lot of bedding to be removed and take a long time to muck-out.
While other straw and wood pellets are hard and require watering to loosen them, Sun-e-bed pellets are more like a soft crumble. The structure of Sun-e-bed pellets means that they don’t need to be watered, and they break down quickly under the weight of your horse’s hooves and body, to fluff-up into a deep, soft bed.
Compared to wood pellets, which are often made of wood dust, Sun-e-bed is made from straw fibres. These fibres are heavy enough to stay on the floor and not get airborne, creating a comfortable, low-dust stable environment.
You will need between six and eight bags of Sun-e-bed straw pellets to start a new bed, then one or two bags a week to keep the bed topped-up, depending on how wet your horse is, and how much material you remove each week.
You should expect 60 bags (one pallet) to last six to 12 months for one horse, depending on how many bags you need to use per week.
If you are switching from wood pellet bedding to straw pellet bedding, your horse is less likely to be interested in eating Sun-e-bed. However, if your horse is moving from wood shavings, paper, or chopped straw bedding, they may be curious.
Straw is a natural forage and will be digested like any other fibre in the diet (like hay or chaff), so there is no need to be concerned if they eat some of the pellets. However, should your horse be persistent in eating its bed, you can sprinkle just the top layer of the bed with water to activate the crumble, which will cause the bed to fluff-up. Once the pellets have broken down, horses are less interested in the bedding.
Sun-e-bed is a low dust bedding.
The straw fibres are small, but heavy enough to not become airborne. This means that even when the bedding fluffs-up, or during the dry summer months, Sun-e-bed will not contribute excessive dust to your horse’s environment. It’s also great for humans who suffer with dust allergies when mucking-out.
Unlike wood shavings and pellets, no trees are involved in the production of Sundown’s Sun-e-bed pellet bedding.
Pine trees can take between 25 – 30 years to reach harvestable size, whereas straw is produced every year, as a natural by-product of grain production.
The structure of straw means that it is highly bio-degradable. It rots down quickly to form a nutritious compost that releases nitrogen and other nutrients back into the soil when it’s spread as manure onto fields, or in your garden as fertiliser.
We source all our straw from local British farmers. This means we have full traceability on every bale that enters our production facility, and by using mainly local suppliers, we help to keep our carbon footprint as low as possible.
Sun-e-bed is available by the bag from our network of retailers.
Use our store finder to search for your nearest stockist.
If you can’t find a local retailer that stocks Sun-e-bed, or you want to buy in bulk (minimum 2 pallets) please call us on 01480 860745 and ask for ‘horse bedding sales’.
Sun-e-bed bags are made from LDPE (low density polyethylene) plastic.
You can recycle the bags where soft plastics are accepted. This includes many supermarkets and some local authority recycling centres.
Please do not recycle at home.
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